SnailLUG is a group of AFOLs who are very open minded. We welcome adult builders (18+) of any skill level. We enjoy the diversity that different people bring to the group. We are inclusive to all nice people. Your race, sexual preferences, gender identity, beliefs, political views, what you like to build, etc, does not matter. You are welcome here.

We meet online on the second Sunday of every month, and will also have in person meetings once it is safe to do so again.

What does SnailLUG Stand for?


LEGO is a SUPER hobby.

As a group we aim to be NICE to each other.

When we build stuff, it can be AWESOME.

INCLUSIVE means that we don’t exclude or shun or bully someone because of : race, gender, religion, orientation, appearance, building ability, political affiliation, whether you own cats, whether you eat snails , prefer minidolls, drink coffee, or any other reason that has no bearing on whether you are a good person or not.

We like to talk about stuff, lots of stuff.  Not just LEGO. ….. cars, cats, snails, the weather, DUPLO, gardening, MODULEX, games, conventions, TV shows, QUATRO, food, and a million other things.  We could be considered LOQUACIOUS because of this.  However, we would prefer if you do NOT talk much about religion and politics, as this can create unnecessary friction in a diverse group.